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Airtech Spares - Old Model

Online Catalogue | Evolution Aqua Products |  Airtech Spares - Old Model

Airtech 40 Diaphragm Kit

Airtech 40 Diaphragm Kit
Ref: DIAPH40

REPLACED BY Airtech 70 (10mm outlet)

Price: £47.95 (Including VAT at 20%)

Airtech 60 Diaphragm Kit

Airtech 60 Diaphragm Kit
Ref: DIAPH60
REPLACED BY Airtech 95 (15mm outlet)

Price: £58.96 (Including VAT at 20%)

Airtech 80 Diaphragm Kit

Airtech 80 Diaphragm Kit
Ref: DIAPH80
With the Airtech 80 Diaphragm Kit it is necessary for the customer to specify the size of the inlet connection to the diaphragm assembly on his Air Pump.
Disconnect the electical supply to the Pump,
Remove the Blue cover from the pump.
Remove the rubber elbow from the inlet connection to the diaphragm and measure the outside diameter of of the plastic connector. Its size should be 10mm or 15mm.

Please Note the kit for the 10mm hose is no longer available

REPLACED BY Airtech 95 (15mm outlet)

Price: £58.96 (Including VAT at 20%)

Airtech 120 Diaphragm Kit

Airtech 120 Diaphragm Kit
Ref: DIAPH120

REPLACED BY 2 x Airtech 95 (15mm outlet)

Price: £116.95 (Including VAT at 20%)

Activating Arm for Old Model Air Pumps

Activating Arm for Old Model Air Pumps