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EA Surge Fitter

Online Catalogue | Evolution Aqua Products |  EA Surge Fitter

Surge Filter

Surge Filter

Innovative Pond Filter with 18watt UVC

The Surge Filter is an innovative filter that will help to deliver crystal clear, healthy water for ponds up to 5,000 Litres. There are no dirty sponges or foams to clean so you get to keep your hands dry, giving you more time to enjoy your pond.

The Surge filter is easy to install and is simple and quick to clean, by way of a unique, patented air syphon design (UK Patent No. GB2550495B

Key Features

Keep your hands dry - Foam free, easy self-cleaning technology.

More time to enjoy your pond - Reduces filter cleaning and maintenance.

Crystal clear and healthy water - Enhanced filtration with K+Media and integrated UVC.)

SoftFuse Nice Tables Preview

Tempest Specification

Max Pond SizeInletOutletDrain SizeMax Flow RateOptimal Flow RateWater Vouume in FilterDimensionsVolume of K+Media Supplied
Litres (UK Gals)Pipe Size inch(mm)Pipe Size inch(mm) Pipe Size inch(mm) Litres/hr (UKgals/hr)Litres/hr (UKgals/hr) Litres (UKGals) mm Litres
5000 (1100) ¾",1",1¼" (N/A)¾",1",1¼" (N/A) 1" (25)3500 (771) 2500 (550)19 (4.2) 1130 x 250 x 2054.5

Price: £298.99 (Including VAT at 20%)