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EA Tempest

Online Catalogue | Evolution Aqua Products |  EA Tempest

Tempest Manual

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Tempest Filter

Tempest Filter
The Tempest filter is easy to install and is simple and quick to clean, by way of a unique, patented air syphon design (UK Patent No. GB2550495B).

During the cleaning process, air is drawn into the filter as it empties which causes the water to agitate, effectively cleaning the K+Media.

Resulting in:-
Easy to install
Simple to Cean
Uses 7 Litres of K+ Media
Filters down to 1 micron
Class leading surface area
Stable bio-film production

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Tempest Specification

Max Pond SizeInletOutletDrain SizeMax Flow RateOptimal Flow RateWater Vouume in FilterDimensionsVolume of K+Media Supplied
Litres (UK Gals)Pipe Size inch(mm)Pipe Size inch(mm) Pipe Size inch(mm) Litres/hr (UKgals/hr)Litres/hr (UKgals/hr) Litres (UKGals) mm Litres
5000 (1100) 1 (50)1 (50) 1 (32)7500 (1650) 5000 (1100)27 (5.9) 1130 x 250 x 2057

Price: £274.96 (Including VAT at 20%)