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Inwall Skimmer

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Inwall Skimmer Wide Mouth - Black

Inwall Skimmer Wide Mouth - Black
Dust from the atmosphere and falling leaves will need to be cleared from the pond surface. Protein scum, caused by the use of airstones or a waterfall is another surface contaminant that has to be removed. In a koi pond, there should be at least one flush-fitting surface skimmer to remove the scum, floating leaves and uneaten food before they become waterlogged and sink to the bottom of your pond.

Usually with this type of skimmer its mouth is flush fitted to the inside wall of the pond during construction of the pond. A surface mounted pump is then attached the outlet connection usually at the base of the skimmer. A Basket fitted inside the skimmer removes large comtamination, leaves,fish fiood etc. These Baskets are usually quite small and can become blocked quickly. We have adapted skimmers to be used in a Gravity fed mode, the small outlet base connection is replaced with a 3" or 4" connection, the Skimmer Basket is removed thus enabling the skimmer to be piped to an appropriate external filter.

In order to remove any smaller debris from the pond via the skimmer it may be necessary to use an external filter. Pond water fom the base of the shimmer can be pumped or gravity fed to an appropriate filter, example an Easy Pod or small Multibay filter or even your main system filter or sieve.

Standard Wide Angle Skimmer Specifications

Wide Angle Skimmer for ponds upto 4000gallons
Flow rate 1500 to 2000gph
Wide Angle Skimmer throat width 350mm

Select Water Outlet Size

Inwall Skimmer Narrow Mouth - Black

Inwall Skimmer Narrow Mouth - Black
Dust from the atmosphere and falling leaves will need to be cleared from the pond surface. Protein scum, caused by the use of airstones or a waterfall is another surface contaminant that has to be removed. In a koi pond, there should be at least one flush-fitting surface skimmer to remove the scum, floating leaves and uneaten food before they become waterlogged and sink to the bottom of your pond.

Usually with this type of skimmer its mouth is flush fitted to the inside wall of the pond during construction of the pond. A surface mounted pump is then attached the outlet connection usually at the base of the skimmer. A Basket fitted inside the skimmer removes large comtamination, leaves,fish fiood etc. These Baskets are usually quite small and can become blocked quickly. We have adapted skimmers to be used in a Gravity fed mode, the small outlet base connection is replaced with a 3" or 4" connection, the Skimmer Basket is removed thus enabling the skimmer to be piped to an appropriate external filter.

In order to remove any smaller debris from the pond via the skimmer it may be necessary to use an external filter. Pond water fom the base of the shimmer can be pumped or gravity fed to an appropriate filter, example an Easy Pod or small Multibay filter or even your main system filter or sieve.

Standard Skimmer Specifications

Standard Skimmer for ponds upto 2000gallons
Flow rate 800 to 1200gph
Standard Skimmer throat width 190mm

Select Water Outlet Size