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Superfish PondECO

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Superfish Eco Pump

Superfish Eco Pump


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The Superfish PondEco pumps are designed to pump water containing solid material to a pond filter or a waterfall. The PondEco pumps cage is specially designed to prevent it clogging by providing the maximum surface area. PondEco pumps can also be used dry mounted inline. When used for a dry installation the pump inlet must be below Water Level
They also have 1.5 inch threaded inlet and outlet.

When using a pond pump to power a filter system reliability is essential. That is why the PondEco pumps key features provide total reassurance.

Thermal Resettable Fuse

The PondEco pumps have a TRF (Thermal Resettable Fuse) this device automatically switches off the pump if it overheats to prevent motor damage. Once cooled, about 15 to 20 minutes the pump will switch itself back on.

Superfish PondEco Pump Features

Pumps large quantities of pond water with low electricity consumption
Vortex impellar blade can handle solids upto 8mm
Pump outlet has a detachable hosetail 25-38mm (1",1¼", 1½").
3 Year Manufacturer Backed Guarantee

Superfish Pond Eco Performance Table

ModelMax Flow Max HeadPowerOutletSize Cable Length
 litres/hr (gph)metresWattsmmL x B x H cmmetres
290035002.41425/32/4019.7 x 8.8 x 13.6 10
490053003.22925/32/4019.7 x 8.8 x 13.610
850078004.24125/32/4023.5 x 9.7 x 14.810
12500112005.08540/5026.5 x 10.4 x 10.310
15500150006.513040/5026.5 x 10.4 x 10.3 10

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Please note Outlet Conections Listed are Hosetails Suitable for Hose I/D Specified