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EVO UV Professional Clarifiers

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All new Professional UV clarifier range

The new Evolution Aqua evo UV deliver a more efficient and more economical performance than before thanks to their new design

Eradicates green water in garden ponds
Features highly efficient ballasts
IP Rating of IPX5, IP64 (evo110)
Easy to maintain, easy to install
Ballast located in a fully water-tight cover
Connects to flexi-hose or rigid pipework
6 models; 15W, 25W, 30W, 55W, 75W & 110W

The new extended range now includes 30 Watt and 55 Watt models, a new 15 Watt and 25 Watt model perfect for use on the smaller garden pond, along with a 75 Watt and a newly desiigned 110 watt version for the larger pands.

6 models including a 75 Watt and the new 110 Watt

The 75 Watt model is designed for ponds up to 75,000 litres. The highly efficient ballast and high output 75 Watt UV bulb provides a more economical option than a traditional UV due to the greater UV contact time offered by the 1.2 metre bulb – ultimately saving you money!

The top end 110 Watt model is designed for ponds up to 75,000 litres. The highly efficient ballast and high output (2 x 55Watt UV) bulbs provides a more economical option than a traditional UV due to the greater UV contact time offered by the (2x 0.9.metre bulbs) – ultimately saving you money!

The evoUV pond clarifiers are manufactured in house by Evolution Aqua, continuing our long tradition for manufacturing exceptional pond filtration equipment right here in the UK.

More efficient design

The design of these new UVs optimises flow rates and improves energy efficiency, with the sole focus to deliver optimum performance at all times to clear green water in ponds which is caused by single celled green algae.

evoUVs will work alongside many different filtration systems and are incredibly easy to install with flexible hose or hard pipe and can be easily fitted within existing pipework runs.
All evoUV models come with high output UV bulbs powered by energy efficient ballasts, all housed within a fully watertight, robust housing.

Evo UV Specifications
Evo UV Specifications
UV Professional Clarifier

UV Professional Clarifier


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Professional ultraviolet clarifiers for ponds

Evolution Aqua’s pond UV clarifiers have been completely re-designed for 2021, to deliver even greater performance and improved serviceability. Our range of six evoUV pond clarifiers are made using the very latest technology and design techniques, ensuring there is even water flow through the unit, and optimum ultraviolet light penetration.

One new feature is the ease of the serviceability of the evoUV. Changing bulbs, quartz sleeves or replacing a ballast are quick and simple to do.

The evoUV is simple to install, with universal mounting plates allowing you to fix the unithorizontally or vertically, or at any angle you choose.

Overview of Features

Improves water clarity by eradicating green water
High output, energy efficient ballast
Fully serviceable for easy maintenance
Easy to install
Available in six models
2 year guarantee